Depression Header

Overcome Depression:

The feeling of depression is much more powerful and unpleasant than the short episodes of low mood.

Symptoms include:

    • Constantly unhappy
    • Losing interest in life
    • Finding it difficult to make decisions
    • Feeling contantly tired
    • Feeling restless/agitated
    • Weight changes
    • Sleep Problems
    • Loss of interest in sex
    • Low self-confidence
    • Feeling useless, inadequate or hopeless
    • Isolation
    • Anger management problems

Many do not realize they suffer depression, as symptoms may come on gradually. They may struggle on or blame themselves; calling themselves lazy or stupid.

Some try to cope with feelings of depression with alcohol, drugs or spending long hours in front of a TV or computer screen. This can cause symptoms such as stress, anxiety, exhaustion, sleeplessness, or deeper depression. 

When should I seek help
When depressing feelings don't seem to get any better. When these feelings affect your work, interests and feelings towards your family and friends. 

If you find yourself feeling that life is not worth living, or that other people would be better off without you. It may be time to seek help in improving your life.